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Muy divertido los puzzles. No le entendí a la primera, pero después de revisar por segunda vez la descripción, todo mejor :>

he he he gracias! Debo de ser mas claro en el objetivo del juego dentro del juego hue hue hue

UvU gracias por jugar~

3 by 3 room. Touching the flower doesn't work.

Which room? O:

Maybe its unclear too~ The idea is to have zero (0) roots when you touch the flower so you can advance, It does lack some visual feedback right there

Thanks for playing~

Ok, yup, that was it. It only seems like the number of roots that'll bug you that stage, didn't see any indication of needing to leave them ALL behind to progress~

Ahora que lo explicaste si tiene mas sentido~ =P

Yeah~ I'll have to make more clear that too~!

thanks for playing and the feddback UvU

Huehuehue U: si me falta como mas jugo ahi

En que lo trabajaste? Lenguaje, programa?

so it is a jamgame, which makes me understand it was made in a specific time,so i will be basic in what i say. It is pretty straight  foward in what needs to be done and how u do that, nice. Shame the music is not on loop, or atleast in the 1st lvl i was reading what to do, and the music stopped, pretty small thing. I also like the soft colors used and obviously the pixelstyle <3


O: I'll check the music. I thought I add that just fine but guess I did wrong lul, thanks~

YES pretty simple UvU I want to expand a bit more the levels and u'know, fix some stuff~

thanks for playing!